
This is a set of posts I created as part of the 30 Characters Challenge. My concept was to make most entries written by the same character and develop a cohesive story. To add a creative twist, I hand wrote most of them on different kinds of paper and scanned them. I thought this would pull the reader into the world of the characters in a tangible and fun way.

Simple concept: Boy meets girl via online dating site. Girl has a body in her trunk. A decidedly more adult piece. Co-written with longtime collaborator, Steve Loiaconi. 


This is an all-ages project that's near and dear to my heart. If you're an artist and this peaks your interest, I'd love to have it illustrated/storyboarded/comic-booked. Drop me a line at roshow [at] gmail [dot] com.

Download my full resume here.

TO THEM THAT'S GONE, Producer & Partner
  • Focus and oversee documentary’s creative direction with the other producers
  • Hired web designer and worked with him on direction and execution of website
  • Write, edit and update website and related posts
  • Coordinate online publicity and marketing campaign including outreach via social networks
  • Prepare and maintain all budgets, approve all spending
  • Work with lawyer on all contracts, including employee agreements and releases
MIRAMAX FILMS (August, 2005 - March, 2008), Creative Marketing Coordinator
  • Worked with editors to produce behind the scenes vignettes and television publicity clips for all features, including work on Best Picture Oscar Winning NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN
  • Creative consultant on internet campaigns, including forays into Facebook apps and viral campaigns
  • Wrote marketing strategy documents to be used by all departments
  • Wrote film summaries and synopses for use by in marketing and PR materials
  • Edited copy lines used in trailers and posters
  • Coordinated test screenings and audience surveys
  • Produced electronic press kits that included clips, interviews & photography