Born and raised in Brooklyn. Living in Queens with my soon-to-be-wife and our two cats. I like to create stories and watch stories and read stories. Back to the Future, Batman, the Yankees, these are a few of my favorite things.
I created this site to share my creative endeavors. My lifelong goal has been to tell stories, primarily those which will end up in a visual medium (movies, comics, TV, so on). This is why most of what you find will be in script format. But I won't be limiting myself, since this is a great forum to try new things. It'll be an interesting ride.
Some other stuff about me: I am producing a documentary, To Them That's Gone, about a group that ran across American in 72 days to honor the service members killed in Iraq. Like the Run, the film is an apolitical memorial. In the past I was Creative Marketing Coordinator at Miramax Films. While attending Williams College I was Artistic Director of the student theater company and directed various full length plays, including two originals and Tom Stoppard's Arcadia. I went to Regis High School.
You can download my full resume here.
If you'd like to contact me about work (I'm totally down to write something for your project) or just to say "what's up?" drop me an email: rolando [at] roshow [dot] net.