December 30, 2010

Hubristic Fun: Redesigning Vader

There are few, if any, characters in modern culture that are more perfectly designed than Star Wars' Darth Vader. So, hey, why not take a stab at redesigning him?

My buddy Matt sent me a link to the The Swedish Bed (a pop culture blog, despite that suggestive name) which had great illustrators reimagining the famous villain's look. The catch was to work off the description in the original script. I thought that sounded like a fun idea for a snow day. Here's the excerpt from the script:
INTERIOR: REBEL BLOCKADE RUNNER — MAIN HALLWAY. The awesome, seven-foot-tall Dark Lord of the Sith makes his way into the blinding light of the main passageway. This is Darth Vader, right hand of the Emperor. His face is obscured by his flowing black robes and grotesque breath mask, which stands out next to the fascist white armored suits of the Imperial stormtroopers. Everyone instinctively backs away from the imposing warrior and a deathly quiet sweeps through the Rebel troops. Several of the Rebel troops break and run in a frenzied panic.
And here's what I came up with (click to enlarge):

Clearly, I was very drawn to the idea of the robes. With the first one (on the left), I imagined those layers of robes which could be pulled back to reveal the large, imposing figure beneath them. I went for the strips because I imagine him as a kind of whirling dervish in battle: fast and brutal, overwhelming your senses. However, I think I prefer the second design (on the right). Instead of going for imposing in the heavy, physical sense, I tried using the robes and breathing device to create a techno-angel-of-death. I wanted him to be more of a wraith. When he walks towards you it's quickly and graceful; without being able to see his limbs you may think he's floating. He's scary because you fear he could kill you with a simple touch.

December 24, 2010

An Omega Kid Christmas: Part 6

Previous Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

LAST TIME ON THE OMEGA KID: Despite Alfie's best laid plans, The Omega Kid's friends took to the skies in the spirit of Saint Nick, bringing more goodwill that ever. But it was the Omega Kid's own declaration of belief that finished tilting the scale in their favor, releasing the one and only Santa Claus! And now, the conclusion...

Alfie lays in the snow, seemingly helpless, looking up at The Omega Kid and Santa Claus. He reaches into his diaper and whips out a laser gun. He fires it at Santa! 

Die Claus! Die!

December 22, 2010

Job Application: Way Too Honest Edition

So I just filled out a job application. They had three little tasks to complete as part of the process. This is what happens when I decide "let me just go ahead and be myself."

December 20, 2010

An Omega Kid Christmas: Part 5

Previous Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

LAST TIME ON THE OMEGA KID: The Omega Kid faced off against Alfie in an icy sanctuary beneath the North Pole. With his amazing intellect, Alfie tricked The Omega Kid into increasing the size of the throne-capacitor that holds "Santa Claus" before capturing the hero in unbreakable chains. But luckily Lawrence managed to escape...


Jerry and Dania sit, alone, drinking coffee.

I hate this part.

You mean when they're off saving the world and we're left alone?


It's my favorite part.

Then: A KNOCK AT THE WINDOW. Dania runs to it. She opens the blinds to see Lawrence's face pressed up against the glass.

Let me in!

December 17, 2010

An Omega Kid Christmas: Part 4

Previous Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3

LAST TIME ON THE OMEGA KID: Rick and Lawrence learned the secret history of Santa Claus. With Alfie, aka The World's Most Evil & Smart Baby, on his way to the North Pole, The Omega Kid and friends must decide on their next move! And now Part 4:


No. You're staying here with us.

I'm not missing my chance to meet Santa Claus. Imagine all the presents we'll get if we save him!

What a lovely way to look at it.

Tell 'em, Rick.

It will be safer here.

Lawrence looks at all three of them. They look back. He furrows his brow and stands his ground.

I'm going and that's that.

December 16, 2010

Guest Strip Makin'

I was going to title this post "Guest Strippin'" but then I realized everyone would get the wrong impression. Anyway.

If you've been following me lately, you can probably tell I've begun drawing more and more. So much, in fact, that I've taken on two guest strip projects. I wanted to share a little preview of my process.

The first was "commissioned" by my buddy, Matt Shafeek, for a post he'll be doing on his blog. His blog which, by the way, is hilarious and thoughtful so you should read it: I really enjoyed the challenge he gave me. "Cracking" the story was tough but in the end I think I came up with something effective. The post will be up on Saturday, in the meantime, here's a sneak peak of my comic:

The second strip I offered to do for a fantastic webcomic, Mojo. First of all, read it at and follow the creator on Twitter @skar. This was a lot of fun from a writing perspective. I loved the challenge of writing in the characters' voices and keeping the tone of the series. Also, drawing it was a blast. Seriously, I spent like two hours just sketching Mojo in different poses the other night for fun more than practice. This won't post until late February, so I'll just give you a tiny tease of what I came up with:

I want to do more of this kind of work in the future. Especially the writing aspects of it.

December 13, 2010

An Omega Kid Christmas: Part 3

Previous Chapters: 1 | 2

LAST TIME ON THE OMEGA KID: The Omega Kid valiantly fought off Alfie and his pet monster, Blargh, after they launched a Christmas Eve attacked on a department store. As the villianous baby high tailed it to the North Pole in search of Santa Claus, Jerry dropped a bombshell on Rick: Saint Nick may not be a myth after all. And now, the Secret Origin of Santa Claus!

Jerry's apartment is on the 25th floor of a high rise on the East Side. The view from his windows is beautiful.

Jerry is sitting in his comfortable chair. The boys are next to him. DANIA WALLACE (30's, hip but nerdy) has joined them. There's a tray of cookies and hot chocolate. Rick sips his chocolate, Lawrence helps himself to three cookies.

Ok, so about these presents.

Enough with the presents, dude.

Fine, fine.

Can you please explain what's going on? Alfie's going to the North Pole. Big deal. Maybe he'll catch a cold. Good.

Unless, of course, he actually manages to capture Santa Claus.

December 10, 2010

An Omega Kid Christmas: Part 2

Previous Chapters: 1 

LAST TIME ON THE OMEGA KID: A Christmas Eve shopping trip the department store is rudely interrupted by an attack from The World's Most Evil and Smart Baby. Separated from Natalie and Jerry, Rick and Lawrence look for a safe place to plan their next move! And now, Part 2:

Rick and Lawrence dash through the store. Rick leads, Lawrence hustles to keep up, huffing and puffing behind him. As they pass a display of the newest and latest games, Lawrence stops. He looks at all the games, entranced.

Awesome... I want them all...

Rick doubles back and drags him away by the elbow.

No time!

Lawrence grumbles and keeps moving.

December 9, 2010

A Simple Sonnet for Steve

My continued attempts to woo Steve Jobs into at least giving us a settings option to reset the iPad orientation lock switch. I wanted to do this sonnet in iambic pentameter but that's really hard.

Check out the others here and here.

December 8, 2010

The Other, Sad Ending of Back to the Future

The following is a theory I came up with many, many years ago after watching Back to the Future way too many times. I'm certainly not the first person to think of this (in fact, Starlog magazine published a whole series of articles regarding this idea) but what the hell, I'll share my spin on it.

Spoilers alert for the three of you out there who've never seen Back to the Future (or BTTF as us fanboys refer to it).

December 6, 2010

An Omega Kid Christmas: Part 1

Hey everyone! What follows is the first part of a serialized script I will be running on my site this month: An Omega Kid Christmas. Who is this Omega Kid? You can learn more by reading the first script (here) or going to the 30characters website where I created images and bios of the main characters (here).

New chapters of this story will be posted Mondays and Fridays through Christmas Eve. Enjoy and, if so moved, please feel free to share your thoughts or pass it along to friends. Thanks!

Christmas Eve. The streets are crowded with people of all shapes and sizes, bundled in winter clothes, doing last minute shopping. A Salvation Army Santa Claus rings his bell on a street corner.

A light snow begins to fall.

The biggest department store in Manhattan. Housed in a block-wide, seven story building that dates to the turn of the century. People are coming in and out by the dozens, while some simply stand around marveling and the window display.

RICK (11, skinny, wearing a sweatshirt and jeans) and LAWRENCE (also 11, husky, wearing a knit sweater and slacks) run through the crowd, trying to get away from the boring clothes section.

30 Characters Final Roundup!

Hey guys! Thanks for all the support last month. Here's a final roundup of my 30characters. Enjoy, and be sure to browse the rest of the site. Everyone who joined in did awesome, awesome work. This has been, bar none, one of the best creative experiences of my life. Words really can't express how much I appreciate the opportunity I had to be a part of this.

See the full list after the jump

December 1, 2010

Orientation Haiku for Steve

Second in a series of poem/poem-like emails to Steve Jobs, essentially begging him to give me back the iPad orientation lock switch.

November 23, 2010

Why, Steve? Why?

An email ode to Mr. Jobs, regarding the removal of my iPad’s orientation lock switch.

November 17, 2010

Expanding My Horizons

When I set out to do the 30 Character Challenge I imagined it as a very involved writing challenge. I certainly never expected to get all visual arts with it. 

It started small: finding a few photos for the initial set and doctoring up one or two. Then the entire second set was made up of handwritten notes. A fun way, I thought, to visually bring the reader into the characters' world.

But then there's this! I began by doing some drawings for a mini-set earlier this week. That was fun. I hadn't drawn that much in years and I was really happy to see how quickly my limited drawings skills came back to me (I did two of those off photo references, so it's not like I was drawing off the cuff). This lead directly to me trying something more ambitious.

I started with the pencil sketch of The Omega Kid. There were a lot of areas to cover in black and I didn't think the pencil was doing it justice. So I said "let's go for it!" I traced the original drawing on a clean piece of paper, using very light pencils. Then I found the only decent pen I had at home, a blue Pilot uniball, and inked it. Then I scanned the inked version, opened it in GIMP, flipped the pen lines to black and colored it.

Wow! That was a lot of fun! Here are images to show you the progression from sketch to inks to final product:


And if you'd like to learn more about this character, you can check out the first script in the series right here.

November 16, 2010

30Characters, a look back at the first half.

I am taking part in a challenge this month called 30Characters. The name pretty much sums it up: 30 characters, one for each day of November.

My biggest impulse behind taking the plunge was to meet new people and share my work. I've been doing a good job of staying motivated this year but I've mostly been working in a vacuum. This seemed like the perfect way to start coming out of that shell. So far, I'd say it's been a success. I have really enjoyed talking to new people who share similar creative passions. And I have really appreciated the feedback on my own work.

Regarding the actual completion of the challenge, it's been, well, challenging. I have strived at cohesion by telling a story within each set. Relatively speaking the CAPTAIN KERPLUNK entries were easier since I already had pages upon pages of notes for this screenplay (which I'm aiming to write by early 2011). This new set I'm working through, MASKED, is tougher. Even though the concept has existed in my head for years, it's all still very nebulous. When I struck upon the idea to do it as actual handwritten notes, I really got inspired. Exploring the different things I could do with this format has been fun.

What does the future hold? Surprises! In the meantime, see below for a list of my characters thus far... and a sneak preview! 


  1. Lilly Lopez
  2. Tim Grant
  3. Robert Quibral
  4. Steve Griffith
  5. Christopher & Kristine Paley aka The Khrises
  6. Mayor Randolph Nichol
  7. Ephton Valley
  8. Blake Lewis
  9. Captain Kerplunk


  1. Rush, The Boxer


  1. A.K.A.
  2. Cubo Janes
  3. Cassandra Drake
  4. Andy Kross
  5. Parker Reynolds

Here are some rough sketches/doodles I've done for myself. THE OMEGA KID is an all-ages adventure series. So far I have two scripts done which I will upload here soon.

Don't forget to visit and support all the other wonderful artists and writers working on this project.


November 14, 2010

The most culturally significant event of all time

News hit today that former President of the United States Bill Clinton will cameo as himself in The Hangover 2.

You know what I think would make this better? If George W. Bush cameo'ed alongside Clinton. The way I see it, the two former presidents would be happily partaking in some elicit activity together -- I'll let you go fill in the blanks with an elicit activity of your choice -- and then they high five!

What better healing balm for our divided country than two polarizing presidents coming together in a dick & fart comedy, anyway? Take it away guys!

November 13, 2010

Why Batman Must Not Kill the Joker

There’s never a satisfactory real life answer to this question. The issue, as I see it, boils down to the idea of not killing, not the actual logistics of who deserves to die and who doesn’t.

You kill the Joker, fine. Then do you kill other mass murders too? It’s not like the Joker is singular in that respect. He’s not the only mass murderer in the world (fictional or otherwise), nor will he be the last after you kill him. So you can’t argue like it’s a one-time-only situation without opening the door to the possibility of next time. The only possible exception to that rule that doesn’t open up the floodgates has to be something as fantastical and extreme as Darkseid trying to kill the entire universe and all of existence. Because that’s pretty literaly singular (and extremely badass).

In real life most people could not watch someone kill as much as the Joker and not say “ok, exception to the rule time.” If they made Batman kill the Joker it would be more “realistic” but the price is he would then become just human and not the ultimate expression of what humanity could be.

What makes Batman and his myth special, I believe, is that it postulates an inherent moral compass within most humans, one that Batman is almost perfectly in touch with. This is why he is compelled to act outside of the law in the first place, and continues to do so even once in-story elements such as Gotham’s corruption are dealt with. Batman has already reached a level of moral understanding that the rest of us are still working towards.

People love Batman because we could be him, not because we are him already.

(I adapted this post from my response in the comments section of this article -- which you should totally go read and check out the ensuing conversation)

March 24, 2010

LOST: Ab Aeterno

About the plot of the episode itself, I have surprisingly little to say. Richard's story was well done but I wish they'd spent more time developing the relationship with his wife. That would have interested me more. The jail stuff and the Black Rock did not grab me since it's essentially exactly what we knew was coming. Oh, but then you get to Jacob and Smokey/MiB and they bring the awesome. It confirmed a lot of what we thought about the two (like Smokey’s game: he scans people and leaves the ones he thinks can be useful to him alive) but it also underscored that everything hinges on free will.